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Showing posts from September, 2021

A Genderfluid God: Journal Entries from My Theological Language Course

Photo by Emma Rahmani from baseimage Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. It’s been about 5 months since my last blog post.  Yes, I know. That’s a long time! I’ll admit time’s gone by faster than expected, and I apologize to my #worthyreaders for the abruptness of my disappearance from the interwebs. I’m grateful for your patience. That being said, let me catch you up. Long story short, I’ve started seminary! There are two reasons why I decided to get my Certificate of Pastoral Studies. No, one of them is not becoming a pastor. First, I’ve felt spiritually stagnant for some time. Perhaps 1-3 years. The best way to describe it is the age-old marriage analogy. The whole Christ as the groom and church as the bride one? Yeah, let me adapt that. I never had the experience new Christians have when they first fall in love with Jesus because I was raised Christian my whole life. It was more like an arranged marriage. And while I can honestly say I’ve always loved God and followed Jes...