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Showing posts from January, 2020

My Testimony: The Summer I Came Face-to-Face with My Privilege

Personal photo published with permission of the pastoral family In the summer of 2015, right before my last semester in college, I went on my first mission trip. Part of the requirements for the mission trip, which was also an internship, was to write a sermon/speech to present at the end to my church. I reread it the other day, remembering many memories that were buried underneath years of other events. I still keep in touch with the pastoral family I stayed and worked with that summer. I thought, “Hey, this is kind of good. I should share it on my blog”, which led to me finding the picture I’ve included in this post. I want to thank the family again for everything they’ve done for me in the past and still are doing for me in the present. I treasure you all! Now, without further ado, here goes… ( Note: I did update and fix the grammar now that I have more experience as a writer. I tried to keep the essence of my work, though.) --- This summer I d

A Thought-Provoking Trek: 7 "Star Trek" Observations that Will Make You Reflect on Life

Photo by skeeze from Pixabay I have a confession to make: I’m a Trekkie. GASP! Yes, it’s true. I, indeed, am a nerd. So much so, in fact, that I actually wrote a blog post on several observations about life that I noticed across the different Star Trek series. It was also about how all of the series are connected through this desire to make viewers think deeper about the episode’s lesson, not just stare blankly at a flickering television screen where spaceships go “pew-pew!” I originally wrote the post for the official blog of a fan spin-off show – Star Trek: Renegades . For a while, I was elated that my writing was in any public and professional way connected to my favorite television series ever. One day, I went online to read my post (as I often do to remind myself I'm a real writer). What I found shocked me... My post was GONE! Not just the post, but the entire BLOG was gone! Not only that, but the entire WEBSITE was gone! At l