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Showing posts from August, 2020

Love Thy Neighbor...from 6 Feet Away: How (and Why) Your Church Should Follow COVID-19 Safety Precautions

Photo by Ricardo Esquivel from Pexels Today was the first day I went back to my church’s temple as part of the worship team since the coronavirus pandemic started. Like many others, I’ve been attending service virtually for months out of concern over COVID-19’s contagion rate. If I’m being honest, at times, my concern turned paranoid.   While I would’ve preferred to stay online, I knew my church needed their drummer back. That’s why I was glad to see that my church is taking serious precautions due to the pandemic. There’s hand sanitizer and masks available at the entrance to the temple. Everyone’s required to wear a mask except for the singers, but even then, only when they’re at their respective microphones. Plus, not only are they 6 feet apart from each other, but they face away from one another as well.   In addition, the only people allowed in the temple in the first place are those working either as part of, or with, the worship team. The rest of the congregation joins ...